Monitoring for solar microinterver #2

2024 - Read out Hoymiles HMT-1800-6T via ESP32 and CMT2300A

From Jan-2024

Realization of project or, but with an M5stack as ESP32 controller with a CMT2300A 868MHz module to poll the microinverter data locally. All is well described in the tutorials. The only variation was using the M5stack, and a 3d printed battery case ( for a Samsung Galaxy S4 tablet battery (see modified for the M5 prototype case. The CMT2300A was embedded into a M5stack prototype case. While the firmware was super easy to program, I became lazy changing the source code for incorporating the M5stack display, as everything worked well with the WiFi GUI. Maybe another day… maybe not. Anyway, 1300 kWh was decent for a 1.4 kWp balcony system over 14 months with 2 winters.