2017 - Arduino based 6x electronic load for IV curve logging and cell conditioning
From Nov-2017
Electronic load based on the R1 release by Jasper Sikken (https://hackaday.io/projects/hacker/21896). See https://jasper.sikken.nl/electronicload/index.html for a schematic. The design was simply multiplied for 6 loads on one board, enhanced with a uniform heat sink, an SD card slot, OLED display, banana plugs and switches. The switches hard wire the mode of operation, keeping the solar module in Isc, Voc or MPP mode. As of the original design, an MCP4725 was used as a real DAC (no PWM). The mosfet was chosen for high power capability, and low gate voltage for 5V operation. An IV curve sweep of the connected solar cells was executed every 10 seconds and written to the SD card. Simply done PCBwise, robust on the hardware side.